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CANON B100 027 free download

Fax machine and office equipment service manual and repair information

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SERVICE BULLETIN FAX Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: MultiPASS 10 No.: B100-027 (HS-B0E-8026-01) Date: 16.05.97 LOCATION: MAIN BOARD ASSY (HG5-0622) MODEL NO.: H12-0303 (EC) SUBJECT: MAIN ROM UPGRADE OUTLINE The main ROM version has been upgraded from EC-03-01 to EC-09-01. PARTS PARTS NAME PARTS NO. VER. IC LOCATION NO. OLD IC, TC538200AP-E379, MASK-ROM HH4-2675-000 01 NY IC-2 NEW IC, LH538B46, MASK-ROM HH4-2675-000 01 OLD MAIN BOARD ASSY HG5-0622-000 -- NY --- NEW MAIN BOARD ASSY HG5-0622-000 -- MACHINE MODEL NO. H12-0303-210 H12-0303-214 M/C VERSION 07 07 SERIAL NO. EJJ-08099 EJM-09597 FAX -2- B100-027 1. Main Program Version No. ORIGINAL MODIFIED Version No. EC-03-01 EC-09-01 Version No. on ROM IC-2 IC-2 2675-01 2675-01 Sum Check (HEX.) D800 ED00 ROM Type MASK MASK 2. Details 1. Printed mode a. When using the printer manager in Windows 3.1, in the sequence MultiPASS driver LQ510 driver MultiPASS driver, after the print has been selected and output, the eject roller continues to rotate. This problem has been corrected. b. When moving from print mode to FAX mode, if the FUNCTION key is pressed, the fax moves into the BJ setting mode. This problem has been corrected so that the FUNCTION key is ignored, and an error alarm is sounded. 2. MultiPASS a. In PBX mode, a telephone number dialed including the letter R, has too long a pause. This problem has been corrected. b. In the telephone dialing function, the time from seizing the line to dialing the number is 3.0 to 3.5 seconds longer than that of FAX-B360. This problem has been corrected. 3. Other a. The following problems have been corrected. 1. When CT-14 is connected, if the fax is off hooked during F/T switching, the line is momentarily disconnected. 2. The level of the HOLD sound has been raised in the AUSTRALIA setting. 3. When receiving or printing an image with a large amount of data, error #052 is generated. 4. When CI is

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