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Now downloading free:HAIER Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT

HAIER Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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File name:Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT.pdf
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Model:Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT 🔎
Original:Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT 🔎
Descr: HAIER LCD chassis MSD309PT Haier+Chassis+MSD309PT.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV > LCD
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Schematics Blockdiagram SCH BLOCK FOR MSD309PT EARPHONE output OPTION AIF for analog TV MSD309PT TUNER DIF for DTV TDA1517 2X3W output DMB-T/H TS Stream to 309 TS1 AUDIO OPTION LINEOUT3(AA6\Y5) DF3544 DVB-S2 module TS Stream to 309 OPTION socket TS1 TPA3110 2X6W output or 15W subwoofer output Encrypt TS Stream to CI TS1 OPTION CI CARD TS Stream to 309 TS0 OFF SUBWOOFER SUBWOOFER HDMI1 Input ON OPTION (AA10) MUTE 100Hz low pass HDMI2 Input OFF ON MUTE TDA1517 OPTION HDMI3 Input GPIO0(A7) OFF

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