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Now downloading free:MATSUI MATSUI_VCR VP9405

MATSUI MATSUI_VCR VP9405 free download

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File name:MATSUI_VCR VP9405.rar
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Model:MATSUI_VCR VP9405 🔎
Descr:MATSUI_VCR VP9405 schematic
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name matsui vcr vp9405.pdf

MATSUI VP 9405 Matrix Item See Model Book 6 6 6 Deck Exploded View ... VXA 1105 Deck Alignment ... VXA 1105 Deck Adjustments ... VXA 1105 1 Head Amp Diagram Electrical Adjustments 3. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE Read and perform these adjustments when repairing the circuits or replacing electrical parts or PCB assemblies. CAUTION When replacing IC's or transistors, use only specified silicon grease (YG6260M). (To prevent the damage to IC's and transistors.) 3-1: PG SHIFTER CONDITIONS MODE-PLAYBACK Input Signal-Alignment Tape (JG001C) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Playback the alignment tape. (JG001C) 2. Press both Tracking AUTO key on the Customer remote control and the PLAY button on the set simultaneously until the indicator ATR disappear's. If the indicator ATR disappear's, the adjustment is finished. (If the ATR indicator is still illuminated) 1. Connect CH-1 on the oscilloscope to TP4001 and CH-2 to Pin 19 of J4501. 2. Press the PG AUTO key. (JG155) 3. While the ATR indicator is flashing, press the PG MANUAL key. (JG155) 4. Adjust the Tracking +/- key until waveform of the oscilloscope measures 6.5 ± 0.5(H) at both leading and trailing edges. (Refer to Fig. 3-1-A, B) 5. Press the Tracking Auto key. Fig. 3-1-A Fig. 3-1 -B MATSUI VP 9405 2 Operations Display Diagram MATSUI VP 9405 3 Power Supply Diagram MATSUI VP 9405 Scart AV Switch Diagram 4 MATSUI VP 9405 5 System Control Servo Diagram MATSUI VP 9405 6 Tuner Audio Diagram MATSUI VP 9405 7 Wiring Diagram MATSUI VP 9405 8 Y/C Diagram

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