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Now downloading free:Tektronix 1963SC

Tektronix 1963SC free download

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Descr: Tektronix publikacje 1963SC.pdf
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USEFUL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF TEKTRONIX INSTRUMENTS NUMBER 18 FEBRUARY 1963 - PRINTED I N U.5.A INTRODUCTION I faedback If current is applied to the -input, it TO ,vault1 teiitl to develop voltage across the OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS mpcdruice of ieetlbacli element, and move (he -input ;~\v;iyfrom ground potential. T h e sutput, hoivever, slvings in the opposite di- rection, pro\.itling current to balance the II n E out input current and hold the -input at ground. T f the impedance of the feedbacl.: point elenleiit is high, the output voltage must (b) I)ccome quite high to pro\~ideenough current to 11al;mce even n small input current. Iiip~rt lilcii~eirt %, Coilzvrts Itzpzrf S i p c r l to C-~trreilt

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