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70GS-61SN SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF MOTHER UNIT (00 Version). +5VSTBY M1000 LP701 RLAMP001 CU0205BM K0079GE K0079GE K0079GE K0079GE R1014 100 R1015 100 JAKJ0047CEZZ C1031 330uF (6.3V) Q306 2SA1037 R385 1M C350 100nF 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C353 100nF (FZ) R352 12K C354 100pF N R771 82K (TQ) R765 82K (TQ) C351 220uF (25V) C352 100nF L350 3.3uH (CF) (M) GN0304 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 R1030 2K2 R1031 1K R1032 1K R1043 +3,3VSTBY 680 . 1 5 4 3 VO(1) R1033 100 VO(2) VO(3) VDD . C737 100uF (16V) R1099 100 9 8 7 6 5 4 R906 2K7 R908 2K7 D906 DX0600 (1/2W) R907 2K7 (1/2W) C916 2n2 C904 10uF D903 DX0539 R933 3K3 R932 1K8 Q910 2SA1037 C901 10uF (250V) (1/2W) 5 G B 9 10 6 D1001 PX0105 D1002 PX0105 C380 10nF 2 6 7 IC901 TDA6107 D904 DX0600 D905 DX0600 4 R 8 TRC R350 2K2 L352 P0278 JF17 23 C356 330nF R329 150 C381 10nF R382 18K R384 22K R362 22K R351 27K C357 1nF C362 0.47uF Q305 2SC2412 L351 3.3uH (CF) R383 15K C358 100nF (FZ) C360 560pF 11 L302 3.3uH (DF) R328 150 IC301 TDA7480 1 1 C359 4.7nF R353 150 C361 470nF (FZ) 24 (SP) QPLGN0441CEZZ 4 F701 FS-C3226 GND R1017 3K3 VI(3) VI(2) VI(1) R903 3 R902 2 1 0 0 FOCUS C902 PB3DE472 GND C364 100nF R358 100K (RA) C366 100nF GND 3 2 1 GND GND OUT R -16V G2 IC304 M5218L +12V GND OUTR OUTL LED L901 0 Q1002 2SC2412 M +12V 2 +12V . VAR1 VX0035BM R901 0 1 C911 100nF 3 . D901 1N4004 DX0501BM R904 4M7 (1/2W) 7 6 5 3 2 8 S701 P0600BM R909 120 Q902 2SC2412 R911 100 R910 390 Q904 2SA1037 R918 390 R916 2K2 R917 2K2 Q906 2SC2412 R926 (L3) Q909 2SC2412 +5STBY . C914 33nF C910 100nF L1002 1uH (NM) +5V . L1001 1uH (DF) LEDOPC J61 22uH R330 10 C382 100nF -13V . L318 22uH R331 2K7 C1043 1nF L353 P0278 JF12 C377 1uF R923 390 R922 2K2 D902 R927 C5V1 EX0545BM 560 Q903 2SC2412 Q901 2SA1037 R912 2K2 R913 390 R1037 4K7 R334 1K C1044 1nF R336 100K C384 1nF C370 330nF R380 18K +5VSTBY Q1003 2SC2412 . R333 1K R335 100K C374 4.7nF C371 1nF C372 0.47uF R381 C373 15K 100nF (FZ) C375 560pF R357 150 C376 470nF (FZ) IC302 TDA7480 L C701 330nF (275V) FZ0192BM C702 10nF 250V KZ0029CE R925 560 100nF 100nF 560 R931 6 5 4 3 2 1 8K2 +12V . C912 220pF R934 (TQ) 7 R935 (TQ) 1 2 3 4 (H) CNW-2710BM C1023 100nF L1003 1uH (NM) 26 C383 1nF C385 220nF C386 220nF (FZ) R387 100 R337 10 (RA) C1034 C1036 -16V L316 3.3uH (CF) C378 220uF (25V) C379 100nF +3.3VSTBY R361 100K PROT C1005 47uF C1004 1uF C1060 100nF C1008 2n2 C1037 . C387 100nF 22 HEADR HEADL MUTE (K) D702 RF2005 DX0555 D704 DX0555 RF2005 C706 680nF (400V) 21 7 I Sense 8 V St-by CNW-2865BM +5V D1011 C1003 . C1006 10uF 54 10K 64 63 62 59 58 57 56 55 42 41 40 39 36 35 34 VSUPP2 VSUPP1 GNDP2 GNDP1 DISINTROM VSUPAF VSS SDA GNDAF K C703 10nF 250V KZ0029CE VOUT SGND C704 10nF 250V KZ0029CE R714 .56 (2W) R708 390K (TQ) TEST P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 VRT P17 CIN2 CIN1 VIN4 VIN3 VIN2 VIN1 R1

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