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HP 5964-3586E free download

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Agilent PN 89400-13 Extending Vector Signal Analysis to 26.5 GHz with 20 MHz Information Bandwidth Product Note The Agilent Technologies 89400 Figure 1. The Agilent 89410A series vector signal analyzers provide vector signal analyzer and unmatched signal analysis capabilities 71910A wideband surveil- from traditional spectrum analysis to lance receiver together form transient analysis, analog and digital a wideband vector signal demodulation, high-speed spectrum analyzer system. monitoring, phase noise analysis, and more. They are used in applications as wide ranging as surveillance, signal monitoring, digital communications, radar signal analysis, and underwater acoustics. For some applications, the vector System Description The vector signal analyzer has two signal analyzer's information band- The wideband vector signal analyzer input channels, each with a band- width and frequency coverage has system consists of two major compo- width of 10 MHz. Normally, this been a limitation. Instruments such nents: an 89410A two-channel vector would represent the maximum band- as the Agilent 89441A are limited signal analyzer and a 71910A wide- width of the signal to be analyzed. to frequencies below 2.65 GHz and band surveillance receiver with a However, the 89410A is capable of information bandwidths of 7 MHz. wideband IF and quadrature outputs. treating the signals on each channel This precludes the analysis of many The vector signal analyzer provides as two parts of the same signal. That spread spectrum, radar, and satellite the user interface and display, and is, the signal going into channel one signals which typically occupy more performs all of the signal processing. represents the real part of a complex than 7 MHz bandwidth and may exist The 71910A is basically a microwave signal, and the signal going into chan- only at microwave frequencies. spectrum analyzer with additi

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