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Now downloading free:xerox 19770719 How To Get At The Pup And FTP Packages

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XEROX INFORMATION I)RODUCI'S GROUP Systems Development Division July 19, 1977 6:33 PM XEROX SDD ARCHIVES 1 have read and understood pages ____-----To --------- To: Pup and FrP Package Users Reviewer _Date---- ., of Pages Re! .. :11 <:>() p - 2 '1 ~ From: Hal Murray, x4539 Subject: How to get at the Pup and FrP Packages Stored: PupFrP.Bravo Everything needed to interface to the Pup Package in defined in PupDefs. The FrP package interface is defined in FrPDefs. Both packages also reference MesaDefs, and SysDefs. If' you are looking for some simple examples, the Mesa PupTest package (probably in Pt.DM) is probably a good place to start. The NameLookup module (in the Pup Package) also has a nice example of how to use the Socket level interface. Snarf.mesa is a simple FrP example. The Pup Package and optionally the FrP Package comes preloaded as an appendage to the Mesa runtime routines. This makes a fat image file if all the symbols are included for debugging, but you can discard your Mesa.i mage. A Statistics package, and a window manager modified to use our secheduler is also available as an option. I will brew up an image file with the desired options when you need it. You can also make a disk that has all of the sources and xm's, and use it to build your own image file. Everything just barely fits on one disk, but you will probably have to delete the Compiler when you are finally ready to make your image file. You can't BIND to any of the pup routines because we have fixed up the binding path to hide everything except a tiny interface module. This makes binding to the system faster. The interface module is called Coolie - be sure to get Coolie.xm if you are getting an image file without symbols. The actual routines in the Pup Package and the FrP Package are referenced via two giant dispatch vectors. There is a third vector that the Pup Package and the FTP Package use to interface to the Mesa Runtime routines. It avoids binding, and can readily be used by other programs. I will add things to the giant mesa vector if there is something you need that isn't already there. The vectors live in file segments so they don't even use any core when not being used. 2 There are routines (on the binding path) that return pointers to the needed dispatch records. Normally, a manager would pass these pointers to other modules at NEW time where they would be OPENed on the module BEGIN. GetMesaVector: PROCEDURE RETURNS [Mesa

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