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Now downloading free:xerox UserSegments.mesa Sep78

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File name:UserSegments.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Size:588 kB
Model:UserSegments.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:UserSegments.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug UserSegments.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name UserSegments.mesa_Sep78.pdf

UserSegments.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 UserSegments.Mesa Edited by: Johnsson on August 30. 1978 12:02 PM 8arbara on July 31. 1978 4:28 PM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [BYTE. BytesPerPage. PageNumber. PageSize]. AltoFileDefs: FROM "altofiledefs" USING [eofDA. FP]. BedDefs: FROM "beddefs" USING [MTHandle. MTIndexJ. BootDefs: FROM "bootdefs" USING [PageMap. SystemTableHandle]. ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [ BytePC. FrameHandle. GlobalFrameHandle. InstWord]. DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [CocleObjeet]. DebugCacheDefs: FROM "debugcaehedefs" USING [LongWRITEClean. SwappedIn]. DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugeontextdefs" USING [ DAcquireBed. DReleaseBcd. InvalidGlobalFrame. MapRC]. DebugData: FROM "debugdata" USING [ altoXM, config. OebuggeeFH. debugPilot. ESV. initBCO. mdsContext. onOO]. DebuggerOefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [LA]. DebugMiseDefs: FROM "debugmisedefs" USING [CommandNotAllowed]. OebugUsefulOefs: FROM "debugusefuldefs". DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [ Bound. FindOriginal. LoadStateInvalid. LongREAO. LongWRITE. SREAO. SWRITE. VirtualGlobalFrameJ. DebugXMDefs: FROM "debugxmdefs" USING [XMAlloeOnDrum. XMFreeOnDrum]. FrameDefs: FROM "framedefs". InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [LongDiv. LongMult]. LoaderBcdUtilDefs: FROM "loaderbedutildefs" USING [ BedBase. EnumerateModuleTable, ReleaseBcdSeg. SetUpBcd]. LoadStateDefs: FROM "loadstatedefs" USING [ BedSegFromLoadState, ConfigNull. GFTIndex. InputLoadState. ReleaseLoadState]. SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [ AddressFromPage. DeleteFileSegment, FileHandle. FileHint. FileObject. FileSegmentAddress. FileSegmentHandle. FileSegmentObjeet. InsertFile, NewFileSegment. PageFromAddress. Read. ReleaseFile. SegmentFault. SetEndOfFile, SwapIn, SwapOut. Unlock]. SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [AlloeateHeapNode. FreeHeapNode]. VMMapLog: FROM "vmmaplog" USING [ Descriptor. PatchTable, PatehTableEntry. PatchTableEntryBasePointer. PatchTableEntryPointer]; DEFINITIONS FROM DebugUtilityDefs; UserSegments: PROGRAM IMPORTS DOptr: DebugData. DebugCaeheDefs, DebugContextDefs. DebugMiseDefs. DebugUtilityDefs. DebugXMDefs. LoaderBcdUtilDefs. LoadStateDefs. SegmentOefs, SystemOefs EXPORTS DebugMiscDefs. DebugUsefulDefs. DebugUtilityDefs SHARES SegmentDefs, ControlDefs = BEGIN BytePC: TYPE = ControlDefs.BytePC; BYTE: TYPE = AltoDefs.BYTE; FrameHandle: TYPE = ControIOefs.Frameliandle; GlobalFrameHandle: TYPE = ControlDefs.GlobalFrameHandle; FileHandle: TYPE = SegmentDefs.FileHandle; InstWord: TYPE = ControlDeFs.lnstWord; CodeObject: TYPE = OebugBreakptDefs.CodeObject; LA: TYPE = DebuggerDefs.LA; FileSegmentHandle: TYPE = SegmentDefs.FileSegmentHandle; -- Util it ies CopyRead: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [to, from: POINTER, nwords: CARDI

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