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Now downloading free:AT&T PWB UNIX Edition 1 Section 1 May77

AT&T PWB UNIX Edition 1 Section 1 May77 free download

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UNIX is a Trade/Service Mark of the Bell System. This manual was set on a Graphic Systems, Inc. C phototypesetter driven' by the'TROFF formatting 'program Qperating under the 'PWB/UNIX system. The text of the manual was prepared using the Ef) rexteditor. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The form and organization of this manual, as well as a major fraction of its contents, have been copied from the UNIX Programmer's Manual-Sixth Edition, by K. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie (Bell Telephone Laboratories, May 1975). The number of our colleagues who have contributed to UNIX and PWB/UNIX software and documentation is, by now, too large to list here, but the use- fulness and acceptance of UNIX and of PWB/UNIX is a true measure of their collective success. Piscataway, New Jersey T.A.D. May 1977 R.C.H. E.M.P. - iii - INTRODUCTION This manual describes the features of PWB/UNIX. It provides neither a general overview of UNIX (for that, see "The UNIX Time-Sharing System," Comm. ACM 17(7):365-75, July 1974, by D. M. Ritchie and K. Thompson), nor details of the implementation of the system. This manual is divided into eight sections: I. Commands and Application Programs II. System Calls III. Subroutines IV. Special Files V. File Formats and Conventions VI. Games VII. Miscellaneous VIII. System Maintenance Section I (Commands and Application Programs) describes programs intended to be invoked directly by the user or by command language procedures, in contradistinction to subroutines, which are intended to be called by the user's programs. Commands generally reside in the directory Ibin (for binary programs). Some programs also reside in lusr/bin, to save space in Ibin. These directories are searched automatically by the command interpreter called the Shell. Section II (System Calls) describes the entries into the UNIX supervisor, including the assembler and the C language interfaces. In the assembler, these system calls are invoked by the sys operation code, which is a synonym for the trap instruction. Section III (Subroutines) describes the available subroutines. Their binary versions reside in various system libraries in directory /lib. The subroutines available for C and for Fortran are also included there~ they reside in Ilibllibc.a and llibllibj.a, respectively. Section IV (Special Files) discusses the characteristics of each system "file" that actually refers to an inputloutput device. The names in that section refer to the Digital Equipment Corporation's device names for the hardware, instead of the names of the spec

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