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Now downloading free:xerox 19780419 Distributed BitBlt

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Descr: xerox notetaker memos 19780419_Distributed_BitBlt.pdf
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Inter-Office Menlorandum To Notetaker Working Group Date April 19, 1978 ( From Larry Tesler Location Palo Alto Subject Distributed BitBlt Organization SSL XEROX Filed on: For Xerox Internal Use Only Problem There has been a question of whether the Notetaker I should do its BitBlts in the emulation processor or in an I/O processor. If it is done in an I/O processor, then there can be some overlap between emulation and character generation. If it is done in the emulation processor, then it will be compatibie with the Notetaker II, which can do faster BitBlts in custom LSI than Notetaker I could do on an 8086. Alternatives ( It is possible to involve two processors in the BitBlt, one fetching the source and one storing into the destination rectangle. The two processors would communicate over three extra lines on the motherboard. It would not be necessary to gain access to the system bus to use these lines. The three lines would be: one serial data line; two handshake lines to control the flow. (Maybe these lines could be multiplexed at a cost of logic at both ends, using phase- encoding or other tricks.) If two I/O processors were employed, the emulation processor would be free during the BitBlt. However, this would require the presence of both I/O boards at all times, or two 8086's on the same board with separate access to the system bus, requirements we don't otherwise have. An alternative is to use the emulation processor and only one I/O processor. There is still a question of which processor should be source and which should be destination. Since both the source and the destination processors must worry about the cursor, the situation seems entirely symmetrical in Notetaker I. However, in Notetaker II. the emulation processor will be faster. Therefore, it should have the larger share of the work, which is the destination side. The emulation processor would start a BitBlt by setting up a control block in main memory and signalling the I/O processor by the interrupt mechanism. It would then start its own Slore loop going, being sure to wait for each word of the source stream to be available before doing the logical operation and the store. Hardware and software details of each side are presented below. A block diagram of the hardware is appended. Distributed BitBlt 2 The Source ( The source processor would output 16-bit words into a 16-bit bidirectional shift register (e.g., two 8-bit MSI TTL OM54198's, which shift at 35 MHz and dissipate 360 mW apiece, or something better). Associated with the shifter would be a four-bit counter, a one-bit direction register, and a decoder tha

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