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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1985-06-08

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1985-06-08 free download

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r 1 t i Communications Nancy Thomas, HP Stanford Park Diu. Ask a service engineer or technician what training they need and you're likely to hear, "We need measurement and applications training." If you think about it, the request makes sense. Understanding the environ- ment that instruments operate in is a valuable addition to one's trouble- shooting tool kit. Hewlett-Packard has developed an c interactive training program aimed at new technical entrants in the field of digital microwave communications. If you or your group is involved in servicing microwave communications equipment, you'll want to order a copy of the HP 11736A I-& Tutor, a digital microwave communications tool. 4 Structured Like a Laboratory Workbench -t t 10; I-& Tutor is educational software ' with a manual, and is designed to be used with the popular HP 9000 Model 216 or Model 236 computers. "I" and m um " Q stand for the in-phase and quad- rature phase signals of complex phase t l modulation used in today's digital HP Digital Microwave Communications Guide microwave communications systems. As shown in Figure 1, the program signals at various nodes of your sys- one I-& Tutor package. There are no is structured to model a complete tem model in the time, frequency, heavy theoretical discussions or dif- digital communications system, from and vector domains. ficult mathematics involved. You the analog signal input through mod- learn through a visual, intuitive ap- r ulation, transmission, demodulation, and conversion back to analog. Fig- ures 2-4 show working capabilities Moves You Along the Learning Curve Faster proach. You look at actual signals at places you select in the systems chain. Then you can change the modulation of the program. Using your "meas- You would probably have to read format, signal-to-noise ratio, or filter uring probe pointer" and handy set several books an

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