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Now downloading free:Keithley MC68302FACT

Keithley MC68302FACT free download

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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. M O T O R O L A' S M C 6 8 3 0 2 I N T E G R AT E D M U LT I - P R O T O C O L P R O C E S S O R The MC68302 is a versatile one-chip processor that incorporates the main building blocks needed for the design of a wide variety of networking and communications products. The MC68302 was the first device to offer the benefits of a closely coupled, industry-standard, MC68000/MC68008 microprocessor core and a flexible communications architecture. This multi-channel communications device may be configured to support a number of popular industry-standard interfaces, including those for the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) basic rate and terminal adapter applications. Through a combination of architectural and programmable features, concurrent operation of different protocols is easily achieved using the MC68302. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Data concentrators, modems, line cards, bridges, and gateways are examples of other suitable applications for this versatile device. The MC68302 is an HCMOS device consisting of an MC68000/MC68008 microprocessor core, a system integration block (SIB), and a communications processor (CP). Product Highlights MC68302 MICROPROCESSOR s MC68000/MC68008 Microprocessor Core s Efficient architecture involves a separate RISC processor for handling communications s Three Serial Communications Controllers (SCCs) s Support for HDLC/SDLC, Bisync, UART, DDCMP, and Totally Transparent protocols. s Two Serial Management Controllers (SMCs) for IDL and GCI Channel. s Available at 16, 20, 25, and 33 MHz in three different Thin Quad Flat Pack Packages. s Strong 3rd Party tools support. Typical Applications s ISDN equipment

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