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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-07-08

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-07-08 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-07-08.pdf

pfl PACKARD HEWLETT C' SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD JULY-AUGUST 1983 c HP Video Tapes for Technical Trainina Learn the PractiicaA Aspects of Transistors, Part of the "extra value" that comes Now our capability is expanding by Practical with each Hewlett-Packard product offering you both service and appli- Transistors 90100D* commitment to cations training via video tape. With with useful video tapes, you can tailor your The Practical Transistor Series is a training program to suit the many definitive, monochrome, 15-tape ex- applications and service. In the past, needs of your organization. You may cursion into the world of transis- this information has often been in select training programs for indi- tors. Each highly informative the form of classroom seminars, viduals with different backgrounds program in the series is primarily either a t your nearby HP sales of- and specific needs, present effective concerned with examining the many fice or at one of our training facili- programs to just one or many tech- practical aspects of transistors [ \> ties in California. These training nicians, and offer a library of tech- rather than just dwelling on theory programs still exist and are avail- nical programs your staff members and math. The end result will be a able through your local HP sales can easily consult on their own . . . deeper workin derstanding of representative. for new information or for refresher t r a n s i s t o r F S i l 1 make main- purposes. tenance an troubleshooting prob- . 5952-01 15 WWW.HPARCHIVE.COM OHewlett-Packard 1983 w lems far easier and more efficient. 6. Answers by inspection; rule-of- useful in showing how to approach series is highly recommended thumb formulas for emitter real problems in real equipment. for electronics students, service per- follower circuit voltage gain These videocassettes provide: f-7 sonnel and engineers. A supplemen- Practical demonstrations 7. Multi-stage amplifiers tary textbook by transistor authority George Stanley Jr. (who also hosts 8. Troubleshooting single-stage Flexibility of use for c

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