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Now downloading free:Sanyo Sanyo DP50749 P50749-01 J4FF [SM]

Sanyo Sanyo DP50749 P50749-01 J4FF [SM] free download

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DP50749-01 Panel: Self Test Panel is capable of generating internal patterns without the Main Signal Board attached. (rotating: white / red / green / blue / and various other patterns) This test eliminates Main Signal Board from circuit and confirms if panel itself is operating properly. 1) Unplug these connectors from SMPS and Logic Board. P813 (SMPS) P121 (LOGIC BD., LVDS Cable must be unplugged) 2) Short the pins together on Logic Bd. (drawing attached) 3) Apply AC power: If the panel and its PCBs are working, it will energize, just as soon as pins are shorted. The panel will have several rotating patterns on the screen. note 1 : Power cord can still be attached to AC Filter, or power can be applied directly to SMPS. (recommend that AC Filter be used for ease of connection, but can be bypassed if needed) Note 2: Do not push the Pwr Key (the Main is not connected) note 3: no audio is available with panel self test LG PANEL FOR DP50749/ J4FF Jumper between these two points Logic Board For Panel Self Test to Run: 1) Must unplug LVDS Cable between Main Bd. & Logic Bd.. 2) Must unplug cable between Pwr Bd. (P813) and Main Bd. (K8P & K8B) 3) Short the above two points on the Logic Bd. 1. SVC Guide for Black Half Image (PDP50G2T000) 1. Defect Phenomenon 5. SVC Guide for retainer : Black half image or Abnormal half image 1) Connect Y-DRV and Y-SUS B/D 2) Insert and push the retainer until click sound is heard. [Y-DRV TOP] Retainer [Y-SUS] 2. PDP module Model: PDP50G2T0000 DP50749-01 (J4FF) P109 4 RETAINERS PER TV 3. Cause : insufficient connection between Y-DRV B/D and Y-SUS B/D P107 P208 4. Countermeasure 1) Insert Retainer 4EA in Y-DRV B/D Connector 2) Retainer Part Number: EAG61050702 P205 3) Y-DRV B/Ds don't need to be replaced. 4) If Y-DRV failure occurs, normal Y-DRV and retainer should be replaced.

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