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Now downloading free:STRONG SRT 4125 service manual

STRONG SRT 4125 service manual free download

Satellite tv, digital satellite receivers, satellite descrambler,DVB and other satellite equipment service manual and repair information

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File name:SRT_4125_service_manual.pdf
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Settop-Box Service Manual Model : Srt4125 CONTENTS INDEX 1. Block Diagram... 3 page 2. Features... 4 page 3. Technical Specification... 5~8 page 4. Trouble Shooting... 9~17 page 5. Bill of Materials List... 18~24 page 6. Circuit Drawing... 25~37 page 6-1. Main / Front PCB Board 6-2. SMPS PCB Board 7. Firmware, OTA Software Downloading Method... 38~39 page 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM LNBP & 22K CONT QPSK NIM LNB OVER CURRENT PORT SERIAL SDRAM MEM INTERFACE (16Mbit) AC IN : 90 ~ 240 VAC MAX 40W SMPS L64005F 3.3V MPEG 5V L64108 A/V 7V CPU & MPEG DECODER 12V DEMUX 22V 30V FRONT BT864 (7-KEY VIDEO IR RCV DRAM MEM (16Mbit) ENCODER 2-LED) FLASH MEM(8Mbit) EEPROM(64Kbit). VCR(WITOUT VOLUM CONTROL) CVBS,L,R OUT AUDIO-DAC CVBS,L,R IN (PCM1723) VCR SCART TV : CVBS,L,R,RGB OUT TV SCART SCART CONT 4-RCA (74HC4053 ) (CVBS,L,R,12V) * 2 PCS RF MODULATOR (RMUP74055WT) 2. Features

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