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Memorex MVD2028 free download

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File name:MVD2028SM.pdf
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Size:572 kB
Model:MVD2028 🔎
Descr:Service Manual with schematics.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
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File name MVD2028SM.pdf

T172 CONTROL(vfd20-0503f).sch-1 - Wed Apr 23 13:51:02 2003 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version MT1379E (LQFP216-0.4) DVD MP Board for Sanyo PUH 1 2 3 4 INDEX & POWER, RESET RF / SERVO & MPEG - MT1336E / MT1379E MEMORY - SDRAM, FLASH/EEPROM AUDIO DAC CS4340 OR AV2188 Layout consideration 1. Audio ground & digital ground should be connected at one point, either at power connector or underneath Audio DAC. 2. For EMC consideration, all power supply lines should have serial ferrite beads, laid as close to the chip as possible. 3. All the clock signals should have contain 33 ohm serial resistors, as close to the source as possible. NAME VCC RVCC AVCC V33 DV33 AV33 V25 +5VA TYPE Digital 5V Servo 5V RF 5V Digital 3.3V Digital 3.3V Servo 3.3V Digital 2.5V Audio 5V DEVICE SUPPLY MT1336E PICKUP HEADER SDRAM, Flash, VideoDAC MT1379E MT1379E MT1379E Audio DAC NAME GND SGND AGND VGND TYPE Digital Ground Servo Analog Ground Audio Ground Video Ground 4. Digital gound should connected the chassis ground at one point. 5. Make sure digital signals do not cross the analog boundaries. "'' # % , 1 '/, "% $%"& 5- 5- 5-# 5- 5-% +, 5-, &-. &* $%"& "'' * * "## ' 4 +' +'# 1 ) ( &"## ) (3,4) 5-1 &"## + ' 4 '% 1 6 #07 ( ( (2,3) (2) &-. SOT223 "'' ', 4 +'1 "'' ( 0,&2##'* 3 /( # '6 4 "## + '0 1 "## "## &-. &"'' 5-6 ' 4 +' ' 4 VCC V33 : FOR 5V MT1336E : FOR 3V MT1336E "'' +' 5-0 '# 4 "'' SOT223 ( /+ 0,2'* 3 /( "% 8/ 8, "## 5- /+ +, # /+ '% 4 "% + ', 1 '1 /+ 4 % /+ ! ,*-- / "$?,*-- *-- 4 %*-- *22 %& $) @2 +$ *-- *--+ 6 VCC V33 $) -6 ; AVCC : FOR 5V MT1336E V33 : FOR 3V MT1336E : FOR 5V MT1336E : FOR 3V MT1336E -"$ $) &' 7 F F F F MT1336E/MT1379 with SANYO HD6 PUH for MPEG Demo Board 2 0 . 27 0 ,*-1 / 0 0 +$, *--+ )9 = , $= , -"0 -7 ; -"$ +$, &' "++ $= + ,&' 22/?+$ %*-- 3 / /2 / / / 17 16 14 1/ 11 1 12 1 1 1 7 6 4 / 1 2 27 + - /1 // /4 /6 /7 4 4 4 42 4 41 4/ 44 46 47 6 6 6 62 6 61 6/ 64 66 67 7 7 7 72 7 71 7/ 74 76 77 2 1 . 026 2 2SK3018 ,*) ,5A ,5) )= ,, 5 -"0 A-0/ * +$& +$, +$7 +$6 +$4 +$/ +$1 +$ +$2 +$ +$ +$ >5, =5, 5 =2 - ; 71 7/ - ; -2 ; - ; *22 -1 ; -/ ; -4 ; -6 ; .2 026 ,*-- Very Important to reduce Noise $)$ $)# $)( -7 ; TOP SIDE CONTACTED 1 / > + %&1 -/6 4 "$?,*-- , & ,5 + ,* -%$) -%$ * )+ + 5 95, ,5- 9,* ,5- ,5-2 + + "$ "$ %=&$ 95 & - *--+ + -/ 4 -$ %$ %" %) >2 %@%)$ $) -// ; %&6 F *) -4 ; -/4 ; 2 &24 .1 2 1 / 4 6 7 2 1 / 4 6 7 2 1 / 4 6 *--+ % + + "$ "$ 4 6 "( "# *-- = 1 / 4 6 7 2 1 / 4 6 *$0( *$0# *$"( *$"# )5 *%0 )*-- 2 )5 *+" -0 -0 *+0 &+, &' ,1/1 *$%-( *$%-# *$"( *$"# )5 )*-- *-7 *%%*$" *+"# *+"( -% -% *+% 2 7 6 4 / 1 2 5 ?" '?5 ,-*22, " '2?-*& -46 4 21 0 2/ F + -6 ; -6 ; &$ -"0 , = A," '/? '1?& '?' '?- %$ ,*22

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