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Now downloading free:xerox D0 microprogManual

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c c p DO Microprogrammer's Manual Document: Unassigned Date: 0ctober 1978 c Version: 2.0 E c- This manual is intended to provide all necessary documentation for microprogramming a DO. Familiarity with the DO Functional Specification is assumed. Ail comments should be addressed to the editor via Laurel. c L- c a c Release Stage: draft/RELEASED/issued c Approval: c [1 XEROX c BUSINESS SYSTEMS Sjsicr,i Develoyrrierit Palo Alto, California c- c c TABLE OF CONTENTS D MICROASSEMBLER MANUAL O 1. Introduction 1 2. Assembly Procedures 1 3. Error Messages . 3 4. Debugging Microprograms 4 5. Comments and Conditional Assembly 4 6. Simplified Parsing Rules 5 7. Statements Controlling Assembly - 6 . 8. Integers - 7 - 9. REPEAT Statements 8 10. Parameters 9 11. Constants 9 12. SETTASK Statements 10 13. Assembliag Data for RM 10 14. Assembling Data Items in the Instruction Memory 11 15. RM & STK Clauses 12 16. ALU Clauses 12 17. Memory Referencing Instruction Statements 12 18. Branching 13 18.1, Branch Clauses 14 18.2. Dispatch Clauses 15 18,3. Placement Declarations 15 MICRO: MACHINEmINDEPENDENT MICROASSEMBLER 1. Introduction 17 2, Assembly Procedures 17 3. Error Messages 20 4. Assembly Listings 21 5. Cross Reference Listings 22 60 Comments and Conditional Assembiy 23 7. Statements 24 7J.

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