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Now downloading free:xerox 19770122 Software Quarterly Report

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,;' Ii1.tcr~Office, MenJorandunl : To System Software Section Date January 22. 1977 From Wendell Shultz location Palo Alto SubjectSof'tware' Quarterly Report Organization ITG/SDD/SD XEROX Filed' on: Status.lQ77 INTRODUcrON There is' a great deal of information that people may be interested in that does not get distributed;i nri1emos or in regular meetings. Rather than having more meetings (I think most of us have enough meetings already), I would like to put out a periodic information report. This is the first of what wil1 be regular quarterly reports. I will put out special reports between the quarterly reports, as required. I believe that factual information conveyed in this manner will be useful and will aid in communication. There will be frequent 'group meetings and from time to time we will have a full section or department meeting., Feel 'free to ask me, or your supervisor, about any items in these quarterly reports or special::reports that are, not clear or about which you have comments. ADMINI'STRATIVE INFORl\tIATION , , We have'set up new task numbers under our budget center (0125) to be used for 1977 travel and expense charges. These new numbers are by project, as follows: Project Name ' Task Number PARe # Program Manageme'nt 0125640114 97 D)agnostics 0125645101 25 User Interface 0125645201 26 Tools & Mesa 0125645401 27 Data Mgmt 0125645501 28 Pilot 0125645601 29 ; :U$e the, PARe Budget Center # (e.g. 29, for Pilot) for any charges in the PARe/SOD-Palo Alto ad m'inistrative system -- such as travel or purchase requisitiolls. Use the Task Numb'el ,011' any time charges. Normally. most of YOLI will not need to use these numbers very often. but the group managers will ;use them occasionally. ,FACILITIES; , , SDD/SO has signed an agreement for space in the new building going up next door to buiJdillff 34 (our present building). \Ve will have about half of the secofld floor. or about 12.000sq'tI~'re feet. This space is scheduled to be ready for us to move in between June 1 and' July 31. ,1977. Until that time we will begin going to two-person offices in this building as'more people join our. project. This is unfortunate, but is .really for a very liinited time arid I think we will be able to get by without too much trouble. The SOD ,peopl,e in the:A/E building inEI Segundo are also faced with a space crunch. and the

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