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HP a-215 free download

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, . TRL CALIBRATION FOR NON-COAXIAL MEASUREMENTS Speaker Kevin Rochford Hewlett-Packard Company 29 Burlington Mall Rd Semiconductor Burlington, MA 01803 Test Author Jim Curran Symposium Nf'wtwork Measurements Division Hewlett-Packard Company 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403 r~HEWLETT ~~PACKARD ABSll{ACT A m:ljor problem encountered" hell m:lking net\\ork me:lsurel1lents in microstrip or othel non-eo:lxial medi:l. is the need to separate the erreets or the tr:lnsmission media rrom the device characteristics. While \eetor error-correction is userul ror remo\ ing system:ltic errors in microwave networl\ mC:lsurements. the resultant accuracy is dependent on the quality or the calibration standards. Unrortun:ltel~ the impedance stand:lrds used in coaxial measurements arc dirficult to produce for non-coaxial transmission media. A new calibration method, "Thru-Reflect-Line," hns been ndded to the HP 85108 network analyzer, which relics onl~ on the charneteristie impedanec or n transmission line. In addition to the simplicity of the calibration standards. this method is uscful for calibration in both linear and dispersive (non-linear phase) transmission media. This paper describes the benefits of direct. fully error-corrected measurement of non-coaxial devices. Measurement examples or a microstrip transmission line. filtcr and microcircuit amplifier will be shown. .., There :Ire m:ln~ dc' i(es, r:lnging rrom tlansistor~ :lnd p:lssive clements (resistors. indu(lOr::- and 'Cw (:lp:lcitors) to complC\ microcircuits. "ith the (Ommon eh:lr:l(teristi( that they often dt\ Iwt h:l \ l' cO:1xial connectors. AS:1 rcsult these de\ ices :Ire TRL CALIBRATION difricult to measure with instruments thaI typic:1l1y have coaxi:ll test ports. This docs not. FOR howcvcr, diminish the need to aecuratc

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