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Now downloading free:Intel 121565-001 Mainframe Link For Distributed Development Jul80

Intel 121565-001 Mainframe Link For Distributed Development Jul80 free download

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MAINFRAME LINK FOR DISTRIBUTED DEVELOPMENT USER'S GUIDE Manual Order Number: 121565-001 Intel Corporation has carefully reviewed this Vendor Supplied Product for its suitability and operational characteristics when used with Intel products and believes that the product will operate and perform according to its published user manuals. HOWEVER, INTEL MAKES NO WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE OPERATION AND USE OF THIS VENDOR SUPPLIED PRODUCT. Successful use depends solely on customer's ability to install and use this product. This Vendor Supplied Product is licensed on an "as is" basis and Intel Corporation does not guarantee any future enhancements or extensions to this product. The existence of this product does not imply its adaptation in any form as an Intel standard nor its compatibility with any other Intel product except as specifically stated in the published user manuals. Intel will provide limited telephone assistance to the customer in the understanding of the operation of the product. In addition, if a problem is encountered which the user diagnosis indicates is caused by a defect in this Vendor Supplied Product, the user is requested to fill out a Problem Report form and mail it to: Intel Corporation MCSD, Marketing 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 Intel will use its best efforts to respond to Problem Reports in one of the following ways: 1) Release information to correct the problem, 2) Offer a new revision, when available, with com~cted code to fix the problem, or 3) Issue a notice of availability of a new revision with corrected code. Copyright

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