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DETERMINING THE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY OF THE HP 8510 MICROWAVE NETWORK ANALYZER Bruce Donecker Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountain Grove Parkway Santa Rosa, California 9~5401 Rf &. Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition rliD'l HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD ( Abst ract Toda y, the HP 8510 Micro wave Netw ork Anal yzer is perha ps the most prec ise micro wave meas urem ent syste m comm ercia lly avai lable . This pape r expl ores a- the pote ntial sour ces of meas urem ent erro rs. Oper tor techn iques and instr umen tatio n char acte risti cs . are exam ined, both qual itati vely and quan titat ively The purpo se is to arriv e at a pragm atic over all deter mina tion of meas urem ent prec ision ; AUTHOR Bruc e Done cker, Engi neeri ng secti on Mana ger for ent comp uter- aided engi neer ing, HP Netw ork Meas urem Divi sion, Sant a Rosa , CA. BSEE , Purd ue Univ ersit y. . MSEE, Stan ford Univ ersit y. with HP since 1968 Proj ects inclu ded swee per RF plug -in and majo r retr ofit deve lopm ent for HP 8410 netw ork anal yzer . Most ork rece ntly was R&D Progr am Mana ger for HP 8510 netw ial init anal yzer proj ect wher e his acti vitie s inclu ded deve lopm ent of 26 GHz vect or bridg e, phas elock circ uitry and HP 8510 block diagr am defi nitio n. WWW.HPARCHIVE=c.c:;;;om;;--------------------.r DETERMINING THE MEASUREMENT ACCU'RACY OF THE HP 8510 MICROWAVE NETWORK ANALYZER , o ,.----------- f ..._ o r----...~._;::;:: -:-.,--- "., . " ""''.'. f -10 r---o+---+-__..- T __ -10 "' '. "' '. "' '. "' '.

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