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Supporting New Calibrators with Existing Equipment Steven G. Haynes Staff Engineer Industrial Group, T-Cal Business Unit Fluke Corporation Everett, Washington Abstract New calibrators are being introduced not only with new functions and better performance, but also with expanded output ranges. These calibrators can present some new challenges for the cal lab. Resistance up to 1G , capacitance up to 100mF and AC current to 30kHz can be measured, but at what cost? This paper will present one approach to making these tests without huge investments in capital equipment. Data presented will demonstrate that, with a modest investment, you can extend the capability of your existing instrumentation to get the performance necessary to test state-of-the-art calibrators. Introduction For many cal labs, calibrating the calibrator requires expensive equipment that is difficult to justify, both in terms of cost of acquisition and maintenance costs. Recently, new calibrators have been introduced with expanded output ranges that exacerbates this problem, requiring new equipment for a handful of calibration and verification points. However, resistance up to 1G , capacitance up to 100mF and AC current to 30kHz can be measured inexpensively, probably with equipment that is already in your lab. First, this paper will present a very accurate method for measuring capacitance from 100

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