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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91008 8008 Module Aug76

HP 13255-91008 8008 Module Aug76 free download

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HP 13255 PROCESSOR (8008-1) MODULE Manual Part NO. 13255-9t008 PRI~TED AUG-Ol-76 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEWLETT~ PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-910QR/02 Proc~ssor (8008-1) Module Pev AUG-Ol-76 t.o I~TRODurTION. This module uses the Tnte} R008-1 microprocessor as the c~ntral controlllnq element in the terminal. The processor fetches and eiecutes instructIons which are stored in the terminal's memory modules. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. ~ summary of ~peratino parameters tor the Processor (ROOS-l) Module is contained in tables 1.0 through 5.t. Tabl~ 1.0 Physical'Parameters ================================================================================ Part Size (L x W x D) We1ght Number Nomenclature +1-0.100 Jnch~s (Pounds) ---~-----~--- -~----------- ---------~-------~-~-~---~~--~ ---------------~--~---~------- -------------~--~------ ---~---~--------------- _... _----- .. --------- 02640-60008 Processor (8008-1) peA 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.5 6.31 -~~~--------------------~--~-~-~~--~~----~~~-~-~~~------~--~-------~--~~~~---- ---~~------------~--~---~--~~--~---~----------~--~------~-------------~---~--- Number of Backplane Slots Required: . . ~---------~------------~-~~-~-~--~--~-~--~~-~----~~~~------~------~-~--~------- -------------------~----~--~--------------------~-----~~----~-------~--~~----~-- HP 13255 P~OCESSOR (8008-1) MODULE Manual Part No. 13255-9t008 PRI~TEO AUG-01-76 ------.~--~-------.-,--...------~--------------..,...-...-.-----------------------~ NOTYCF, The Information contained In this document Is sub1ect to change without notice. HEWLETT-PACKARD MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KINO WITH REGARD TO THIS ~ATEPIAL, TNCLUDING, BUT NnT LIMtTFO TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIFS OF MERCHANTABILTTY AND FITNESS FOP A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not ~e liable for

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