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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1977-11-12

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1977-11-12 free download

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File name:HP-Bench-Briefs-1977-11-12.pdf
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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1977-11-12.pdf

I L U m SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PAC NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1977 DIAGNOSTIC ASSISTANCE - SYS- tem diagnosis consists of determining whether the system hardware or HP- supplied software is malfunctioning and if so, which functional unit is causing the problem. Your HP-IB service specialist is available for diagnostic assistance either by tele- phone or a visit to your facility. Usually, a brief phone call - com- bined with your own expertise - identifies the problem. In a few cases, the problem may be elusive enough to require on-site diagnosis by the H ~ When You Need It D specialist. At the service PROGRAMS- areas: installatkwr and system d ga- nosis of an apparent malfunction. WHAT I MAP? S INSTALUTION - When the system sewbe special& win train MAINTENANCE ASSURANCE PROGRAM a ~ COMPUTING CONTROLLER Bureau of Standards or other approp- MAINTENANCE riate international standards organiza- tion. With MAP, you can have your equipment calibrated at an HP serv- If the service problem relates to your ice center for a fixed charge per cali- HP computing controller or one of its

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