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Now downloading free:logitech Logitech Modula-2 86 1.0 Feb84

logitech Logitech Modula-2 86 1.0 Feb84 free download

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File name:Logitech_Modula-2_86_1.0_Feb84.pdf
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Model:Logitech Modula-2 86 1.0 Feb84 🔎
Original:Logitech Modula-2 86 1.0 Feb84 🔎
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File name Logitech_Modula-2_86_1.0_Feb84.pdf

~LOGITECH mODULA 2/86 on m/-dol (pc-dol) LOGI'l'ECif SA - CB-1143 APFLES Ph6ne (0)21 / 77 45 45 - Telex 458 217 - Fax (0)21 / 77 31 36 ~ LOGITECH Software Engineering Library Modula-2/86, Release 1.0 February 29, 1984 Release notes for release 1.0 on DOS 2.0 1) File handling in DOS 2.0 Modula-2/86 now internally uses DOS 2.0 calls for file operations. For this reason you must have a file 'CONFIG.SYS' on the the disk you use to start (boot) your DOS 2.0 system. This file must at least contain the command FILES=12 in order to set the maximum number of open files in DOS 2.0 to twelve. This minimum is required for proper operation of the Modula-2/86 system (compiler, linker, debugger). By default, DOS 2.0 allows opening four files only, which is not sufficient operating Modula-2/86. '- ,,/ If the proper number of files is not set in DOS, then an error message 'file not found' will appear when operating the Modula-2/86 compiler. While the file in question may be present, it cannot be opened due to a lack of file descr~ptors in the operating system. Also it is recommended that you set the number of buffers to at least thirteen (not just eight as stated in the manual). This can be achieved by the command BUFFERS=13 which also goes in the file 'CONFIG.SYS'. While this is not required, it will improve the performance of the Modula-2/86 system. A sample 'CONFIG.SYS' file is provided on your Modula-2/86 system diskette. After you have changed or install~d your 'CONFIG.SYS' file, be sure to re-start (boot) your operating system, in order for these changes to become effective. '2) Installation The Modula-2/86 system has been greatly improved for operating with DOS 2.0. For the best installation please refer to chapter F

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