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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-03-05

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-03-05 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1983-03-05.pdf

HEWLETT PACKARD t- SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD MARCH-MAY 1983 atic Za akes Scrag Static electricity is a familiar phenomenon which, except for an oc- casional mild shock or annoying "static cling", doesn't seem very serious to most of us. In fact, many people in the electronics industry reject electrostatic discharge (ESD) as a major cause of component fail- ure and hence, of equipment failure. It's not surprising that many people doubt the magnitude or even the re- ality of the ESD problem. In many cases a damaged part exhibits little or no physical damage when ob- served in a cursory microscopic in- vestigation. Unfortunately, many electronic components can be dam- aged or destroyed by ESD at poten- tials well below a person's range of sensory perception. Passive as well as active components are susceptible and the damage ranges from a slight degradation of a parameter to catas- V trophic failures such as short cir- How Severe You Ask? cuits. The catastrophic failures are technologies is also a trend towards easy to discover and analyze, it's the much greater ESD susceptibility. One source in the electronics indus- "wounded" parts that fail sometime try estimates we may be losing as later that are hard to track down Who would have thought 10 years much as ten billion dollars annually and prove ESD-caused damage. ago that engineers would ever have from ESD. There could be as much to worry about types of floors, floor as 500 million dollars lost at the It is this difficulty in recognizing polishes and cleaners, bench tops, component level because of the ex- ESD-related failures that is one of shoes, carts and wheels, antistatic tensive damage caused by ESD. Dick the main reasons for lack of ESD sprays, masking tape, plastic work MOSS, Hewlett-Packard Corporate awareness. And this is the most im- order holders, and other ESD related Reliability Engineering Manager, portant part of the battle against articles? Today we do have to think states, "Through ESD control we can

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