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In order to enter service menu, first enter the main menu and then press the digits 4, 7, 2 and 5 respectively. To select adjust parameters, use Ù or Ú buttons. To change the selected parameter, use < or > buttons. Selected parameter will be highlighted. Entire service menu parameters of AK37 CHASSIS are listed below. For some of parameters the default values are given on the same table. REGISTER PARAMETER OSD IF1 IF2 IF3 IF4 AGC VLIN VS1A VS1B VP1 HP1 VS2A VS2B VP2 HP2 RGBH VSOF VPOF HSOF HPOF HTOF WR WG WB BR BG APR FMP1 NIP1 SCP1 FMP2 NIP2 SCP2 S1V S2V F1H F1L F2H F2L BS1 BS2 BS3 CB OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 TX1 GEOM OSD Horizontal Position IF Coarse Adjust IF Fine Adjust IF Coarse Adjust for L-Prime IF Fine Adjust for L-Prime Automatic Gain Control Vertical Linearity Vertical Size for 50 Hz / 4:3 (AK30) Vertical Size for 50 Hz / 16:9 (AK30) Vertical Position for 50 Hz (AK30) Horizontal Position for 50 Hz (AK30) Vertical Size for 60 Hz / 4:3 (AK30) Vertical Size for 60 Hz / 16:9 (AK30) Vertical Position for 60 Hz (AK30) Horizontal Position for 60 Hz (AK30) RGB Horizontal Shift Offset Vertical Size Offset for 60Hz (AK37) Vertical Position Offset for 60 Hz (AK37) Horizontal Size Offset for 60 Hz (AK37) Horizontal Position Offset for 60 Hz (AK37) Horizontal Trap Correction Offset for 60 Hz (AK37) White Point Adjust for RED White Point Adjust for GREEN White Point Adjust for BLUE Bias for RED Bias for GREEN APR Threshold FM Prescaler when AVL is OFF NICAM Prescaler when AVL is OFF SCART Prescaler when AVL is OFF FM Prescaler when AVL is ON NICAM Prescaler when AVL is ON SCART Prescaler when AVL is ON SCART1 Volume SCART2 Volume High Byte of crossover frequency for VHF1-VHF3 Low Byte of crossover frequency for VHF1-VHF3 High Byte of crossover frequency for VHF3-UHF Low Byte of crossover frequency for VHF3-UHF Band Switch Byte for VHF1 Meaningful for only Band Switch Byte for VHF3 Meaningful for only Band Switch Byte for UHF Meaningful for only Control Byte Meaningful for only PLL Tuner Option 1 (see the Option List) Option 2 (see the Option List) Option 3 (see the Option List) Option 4 (see the Option List) Option 5 (see the Option List) Teletext Option 1 (see the Option List) Geometry Option (see the Option List) (AK37) STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY STEREO ONLY MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) MEANINGFUL FOR ONLY PLL TUNER (see tuner setting table) PERIPHERAL OPTIONS (see option table) RECEPTION STANDART OPTIONS (see option table) VIDEO OPTIONS (see option table) TV FEATURE OPTIONS (see option table) CHANNEL TABLE OPTIONS (see option table) TELETEX

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