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Now downloading free:HP 36000-91003 HP2000 contribLibrDoc Vol3 Aug76

HP 36000-91003 HP2000 contribLibrDoc Vol3 Aug76 free download

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File name 36000-91003_HP2000_contribLibrDoc_Vol3_Aug76.pdf

HP 2000 SERIES CONTRIBUTED LIBRARY HEWLETT i:t; PACKARD TIMI~-SH.ARED BASICj2000 PROG ]{,AM DOCUMENTATION (600) ]~ANAGEMENT SCIENCES AND OPERATIONS RESEAlRCH (700) BU8INfJSS i\ND MANUFACTURING APPLICATIOl\rS 36000-91003 Printed in U.S.A. June 1974 HEWLETTr&PACKARD TIME-SHARED BASICj2000 CONTRIBUTED LIBRARY HANDBOOK VOLUME III (600) MANAGEMENT SCIENCES AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH (700) BUSINESS AND MANUFACTURING APPLICATIONS The Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty, ex- pressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility in connection with the operation of the contributed program material attached hereto. HEWLETT-PACKARD, SOFTWARE CENTER, 11000 Wolfe Road, Cupertino, California 95014 Area Code 408 257-7000 TWX 910-338-0221 36000-91003 6/7 4 Volume III Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1974 Printed in U.S.A. CLASSIFICATION CODE CATEGORY (Not all categories have programs. Please refer to the INDEX to HP BASIC Program library for available programs in HP BASIC) 100 DATA HANDLING (VOLUME I) 1fl1 EDITING 505 PHYSICS 1e2 INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL 50'" MF:DICAL ';c I F:~JC F:S 1e3 TARLE HANDLING 507 CHEMISTI

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