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Now downloading free:xerox 19790405 Notex Command Language

xerox 19790405 Notex Command Language free download

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Model:19790405 Notex Command Language 🔎
Original:19790405 Notex Command Language 🔎
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Notex Command Language Version 5.2 April 5, 1979 The command language is used in conjunction with command files and can be created and edited with bravo or the edit function in Notex. The language provides the user with most of the facilities avaiable at the console (and many that are note) so that the functions can be prepared in advance, executed without operator error and remembered as long as the user wishes. The following is a description of the command language. There are some special characters of which the user must take note; space, comma, gets(backward arrow+-), upward arrow(t), semicolon and carriage return. The space is for field separation and the return for command line separation. In general, a space can occur after any command and a return after any command line. A return is also used to specify data storage whenever input is required. For convenience, a gets( +-) character can be used for data input. A comma(,) is used to skip data input fields for the D, Wand w commands. The description for the D command contains further explination about the comma. An upward arrow is used to input data but will not advance L1.e address counter. This is a special input to allow many items to be inputted into a given port. A semicolon, when not in a string, signifies to Notex to skip the rest of the information in the line until after the next carriage return. This is obvously to allow the user to imbed comments in the command file. Notex allows some primative forms of arithmetic and logical operations when hexidecimal values are being inputted. The operations are executed in the order in which they occur(the same fashion as . your TI programmer calculator). i.e. 1234 + 555/BO*100 will render 2200 as an answer. There is one special operator($) which is used by some of the commands to specify one of 16 internal registers which only lhe command files can use. The arithmetic and logic operators are: plus + minus multiply * divide / and & or % exclusive or @ not register $(This operator is explained in command P). The language is not very forgiving. If any other characters appear in the command field other than the ones specified below, the command line execution will automatically abort and the Start indicator will be turned off. Command line Comments A counter+-from+-to+- counter = 0 thru 7 A4 counter+-Ioc +- +-mask +- counter = 0 thru 7 A6 counter+-port+- +-mask+- counter = 0 thru 7 A counter+-value+- counter= 8 thru F A4 counter+-loc +- +- counter = 8 thru F A6 counter+-port+- +- counter = 8 thru F Assign counter c the starting value From and the ending value To. There are 8 register pa

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