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Xerox Corporation 360 N. Sepulveda Boulevard EI Segundo, CA 90245 (213) 536-9127 Contact: Don Ramsay Transforming Workplaces: The Xerox Vision The creators of Xerox infonnation systems are in may distract them from the substance of the project. the forefront of those whO' look beyond the sterile and The developers of the 8010, in bypassing the ob- inefficient routines which are all too common in today's stacles of reliance on mechanical keyboard techniques, offices. The Xerox 8000 Network's designers envision present an open stage for action within the systems a workplace in which technology supports the human display frame. They designed it so you can directly endeavor, allowing individuals to realize their ideas manipulate and integrate document source material. with maximum imagination and effect. Your ideas flow onto the screen with the swiftness of With the advent of the Xerox 8010 Infonnation thought itself. System, we invite you to share this vision. The iconographic symbols visible on the muted The 8010 functions as a member of the Xerox blue screen of the Xerox 8010 bear labels which 8(XX) Network. With its rapid processing of text and identify them as folders, in- and out-baskets, file draw- graphic infonnation, compact and secure storage of ers, and other accessories comprising what amounts to all relevant data in easy-to-access electronic files, an "electronic desk top." These highly condensed icons and expeditious exchange of source material and make for unprecedented ease in shifting infonnation finished documents through electronic mail, the Xerox directly. You can open one or more documents and 8010 is attuned to your increasingly sophisticated still move among them at will. Material not displayed work needs. on screen at a given moment can be slipped into the The complfi'xity and urgency of infonnation ex- appropriate icons, out of sight but-still at hand. Later, by change as the office of today evolves toward the office "opening the drawer," for example, the contents which of tomorrow make immediately accessible data a have been put aside can be reinstated on the screen. necessity. Through electronic mail and electronic filing, In addition to its range of icons, the 8010 screen the Xerox 8010 is in touch with other installations can display two portrait pages side by side or one locally and worldwide. Files, fonns, and documents complete landscape page. As the picture on the right can be retrieved and transmitted for a continuous shows, the screen can be divided in

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