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Now downloading free:xerox MailCheck Apr77

xerox MailCheck Apr77 free download

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Descr: xerox alto memos_1977 MailCheck_Apr77.pdf
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': ? No response from ? not valid user at : ? Error: New mail for on /H Check mail on /U Check mail for (user) (default is the user name obtained from the Alto operating system). IR If there is new mail, execute a command line when MailCheck ex its. The command 1 i ne def au 1 ts to "@READt~AI L. CM@", i. e. to execute the contents of the file REAOMAIL.CM as a command, but this can be changed in the User.Cm as outlined below. In addition, if there may be a section in your User.Cm labeled [MAILCHECK] with the following possible entries: TIME: yes/no Sets the default for whether MailCheck should also do a SetTime. HOST: (host) Sets the default host to check. USER: (user) Sets the default username to check. NEWMAIL: (string> Sets the command line to be executed if there is new mail. Within the command line, the host name is substituted for "@H" and the user name for "@U"; to put an "@" in the command line it is neccessary to put two in the string. For example, you might add the section: [MAILCHECK] HOST: Maxc2 NEWMAIL: [email protected]/O TIME: Yes Where MSG.DO is a file on your alto disk which contains "MSG(return)". tL

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