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Now downloading free:xerox 610P70645 ANALYLST 1981

xerox 610P70645 ANALYLST 1981 free download

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XEROX ANALYST ALL SOFTWARE IS WARRANTED AS SET OUT IN THE XEROX OFFICE PRODUCTS SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SOFTW ARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 610P70645 STRUCTURED SYSTEMS GROUP, INC. ADDENDUM TO ANALYST DOCUMENTATION FOR XEROX 820 WITH 5 1/4" DISK DRIVES Special Version This is a special version of SSG'S Analyst for Xerox 820 microcomputers with 5 1/4" floppy disk drives. Programs Reside on Three Disks The Analyst programs reside on three diskettes. They are labeled DISK 1, DISK 2, and DISK 3. To set up your Analyst, copy each disk. Put an operating system on each copy. Label them DISK 1, DISK 2, and DISK 3. To start Analyst place DISK 1 in Drive A, and a blank DATA DISK in Drive B. When the A "prompt" appears, type "AN", then press RETURN: A)AN [RETURN] Choosing Programs from the Menu To run the Analyst programs you choose them from a "menu". When you choose .a program from the menu that is not on the disk currently in Drive A, this message appears: INSERT DISK 2 [or 3, or 1] IN DRIVE A AND THEN TYPE RETURN TO CONTINUE Replace the disk in Drive A with the correct d~sk, then press RETURN. The program will continue normally. Important Note The disk in Drive B is your "DATA DISK". It will hold the "Definition Files" that Analyst creates, and should also hold the date files you create. \VHENEVER ANALYST ASKS YOU FOR A DISK DRIVE LOCATION, ANSWER DRIVE B. OTHER INFORMATION 1. When you are prompted to change disks, do not give the CONTROL-C command (see Reference Manual, p. 7). 2. The QSORT.COM program, if used, should be placed on DISK 1- 3. The ANPR 1.101 file is not used in this version (see Reference Manual, pp. 114-115). Except for the date, the "Startup Requests" explained on 'page 9 of the Reference Manual are not issued. 4. To sort a full disk of data a "sort work disk" is needed. See Reference Manual, p. 44. To extract a full disk, see p. 92. 5. The Analyst programs for this version have a filetype of INT. not SSG. ' ANALYST DATA ENTRY AND REPORT WRITING SYSTEM Copyright

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