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PCB Diagram 9. PCB Diagram 9-1 Main Board 9-1-1 Assy Main Board CN802 GT804 GT805 GT806 CN403 CN601 The System Board that Controls Various Signals for Video Signal Processing and Product Operations 9-1-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts CN601 : This is a 4 pin port connected to the Speaker, and sends the signal from the AMP to the speakers. CN403 : This is a 8 pin port connected to the CRT Board and supplies 200V, +16V, -16V and Heater voltage. GT804 : This is a ground port to prevent high voltage due to lighting. CN802 : This is a 3 pin port connected to the AC power cable. It is connected to the power cable socket. GT805, GT806 : This is a port connected to the D-Coil surrounding the CRT. Samsung Electronics 9-1 PCB Diagram 9-1-3 Main Board Connector Pin CN401 CN601 Connected to the CRT Board Connected to the Speaker Port PIN No. Pin Name PIN No. Pin Name 1 200V 1 R+ 2 NC 2 R- 3 Heater 3 L+ 4 GND 4 L- 5 -16.5V 6 +16.5V 7 GND 8 NC 9-2 Samsung Electronics PCB Diagram 9-2 Feature Box Board 9-2-1 Assy Feature Box Board CN05 CN03 This controls the path of the electron beams from the CRT electron guns using the deflection coil. 9-2-2 Names & Roles of Key Parts * CN07 : This is a 14 pin port connected to the CRT Assy's, and outputs final R/G/B signals to the CRT Ass'y. In addition, it outputs the Tilt, VM, and Power signals for the CRT Drive. * CN05 : This is a 4 pin port connected to the Control Ass'y, and receives TV/Video, Menu, Ch Up/Down and Vol -/+ signals. * CN03 : This is a 8 pin port connected to the Side AV, and receives S-Video2 and AV4 external inputs. Samsung Electronics 9-3 PCB Diagram 9-2-3 Feature Box Board Connector Pin CN07 CN05 CN03 Connected to the CRT Ass'y Connected to the Control Ass'y Connected to the Side AV Port PIN No. Pin Name PIN No.

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