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Now downloading free:Sanyo Sanyo DP26649 P26649-00 N7GE [SM]

Sanyo Sanyo DP26649 P26649-00 N7GE [SM] free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:Sanyo_DP26649_P26649-00_N7GE_[SM].pdf
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Model:Sanyo DP26649 P26649-00 N7GE [SM] 🔎
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09/24/10 2009-2A SANYO TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (ONLY FOR 2009 MODELS) This guide is divided into 4 sections/pages depending on type of defect: page 1) No Green LED Power Light (LED never turns "ON") page 2) Green LED Light is "ON", but Backlights are not "ON", or only turn "ON & then OFF". page 3) Green LED Light is "ON", and Backlights are "ON", but there is no video/OSD. page 4) Green LED Light turns "ON", but turns "OFF" within 10 seconds. Please select the section/page that matches your defect and follow the flow chart. Only these models can use this guide: DP26649 (except DP26649-03) DP32649 (except DP32649-05) DP42849 DP46819 DP46849 PLEASE KEEP THIS GUIDE. IT WILL NOT BE PROVIDED FOR EVERY REPAIR. [email protected] Repair Flow Chart: Trouble Condition page 1 Green Power LED does NOT turn on. The TV is Dead. Green Power LED: Does not turn on. The TV is dead. On Main Signal Bd.: no: 0V Is the "5V_STBY" voltage supplied? (see TABLE *1) Unplug (K8B) connector on Main Bd. no: 0V Power Bd. is not working. On Power Bd.: Replace "Power Bd." Is the "5V_STBY"voltage supplied? (see TABLE *2) yes: 5V yes: 5V Replace "Main Bd." and "Wiring Harness" Confirm wire harness connections. And confirm LED again. On Main Signal Bd. no: 0V Is the "5V_STBY" voltage on "K8CTR 1Pin" ? Main Bd. is not working. yes: 5V Replace "Main Bd". While pushing the "Power Key SW": is the 5V from No voltage (0V) at K8CTR pin 3, or 5V always present. "KEY SW" supplied to "K8CTR 3pin"? Key Switch Assy. unit will be broken. Replace "Key Switch Assy." yes Main Bd. is not working. Replace "Main Bd" (TABLE *1) Main Bd.: 5V_STBY Test Points Model

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