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Now downloading free:ALBRECHT AE2380-all-papers

ALBRECHT AE2380-all-papers free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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Descr: ALBRECHT Audio AE-2380 AE2380-all-papers.pdf
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Declaration of Conformity Herewith we declare that our products: AE2380 and AE 2380 FM Hand Held CB Transceiver correspond to our Technical Construction Files and Test Reports and are conform to the relevant essential requirements of the R&TTE-Directive 1999/5/EC, issued March 9, 1999. According to Annex II (receiving part of the product) and Annex IV (transmitting part of the product) of the R&TTE Directive we have involved the Notified Body 0499 (SEE) and mutually agreed to use the following european standards to demonstrate the conformity of the product: Radio and Spectrum engineering parameters: ETS 300 135 Additional parameters for AM (Germany only ) RegTP 222 ZV 104 / RegTP SSB LA / N

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