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AN OVERVIEW OF MICROWAVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR SWEPT SOURCES ARLEN DETHLEFSEN NETWORK MEASUREMENTS DIVISION 1400 FOUNTAIN GROVE PARKWAY SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 95401 Rf ~ Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition Flin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD INTRODUCTION C' Microwave design and testing is highly dependent upon the use of microwave swept sources. This paper describes some of the design considerations necessary to' achieve superior performance in a microwave Swept Source used for design and production testing applications. Many of these concepts would apply in the general sense to any electronically tuned microwave source. AN OVERVIEW OF MICROWAVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR SWEPT SOURCES The performance of a microwave swept source is highly dependent on three major areas: 1. The block diagram concept. 2. The microwave components used in the source. 3. The control and drive circuitry. This presentation will focus on the first two of these areas. MICROWAVE SWEPT SOURCE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM 2. MICROWAVE COMPONENTS 3. CONTROL AND DRIVE CIRCUITRY O'--- -----J 1 There are many block diagram concepts that can be considered for a swept source. We will look at some of the more advantages commonly used concepts and review the of diagrams, the performance parameters shown here have to be kept in mind. each. When considering the block I; The designer has to make decisions on the relative importance of each of these performance perameters in choosing the appropriate block diagram concept. The design of the microwave components as well as the drive an control circuitry would also have considerable

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