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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb This document is for FREE distribution only! AUTOMATIC SIONAL MONITORINO USINO SPECTRUM ANALYZER-BASED RECEIVER SYSTEMS SIGNAL ANALYSIS DIVISION 1212 VALLEY HOUSE DRIVE ROHNERT PARK, CA 94928 AUTHOR: CARLA McCARTER RF &.. Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition FliD'l HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD AUTOMATIC SIGNAL MONITORING USING A SPECTRUM ANALYZER RECEIVER SYSTEM A spectrum analyzer is a broadband, extremely sensItIve, programable, swept-tuned, superhetrodyne receiver with display capability. Because of these features, it is an excellent receiver to analyze transmitted signals. This paper gives an overview of the hardware and software which make up a Automatic Signal Monitoring Receiver (SIGMON) System for a wide range of measurement applications. Further topics discussed are the measurement capabilities of the SIGMON system for monitoring frequency bands, analyzing signals, measuring signal parameters (amplitude, frequency, modulation type, pulse width, pulse repetition frequency, power bandwidth etc.), performing statistical summaries, aid in generating reports of measured data, and many other incorporated features. 2 AUTOMATIC SIGNAL MONITORING WITH A SPECTRUM ANALYZER RECEIVER SYSTEM Today's presentation on "Automatic Signal Monitoring with a Spectrum Analyzer Receiver System" will address the following questions: What application areas of signal monitoring can be addressed with a spectrum analyzer? What are the limil~tions of a spectrum analyzer based Signal Monitoring Receiver System? What are specific features of the system (hardware/software) that make it attractive to a user? We will also cover any specific questions you may have. 3 TOPICS

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