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Now downloading free:xerox ExternalCache.mesa Sep78

xerox ExternalCache.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:ExternalCache.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Size:397 kB
Model:ExternalCache.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:ExternalCache.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug ExternalCache.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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ExternalCache.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 File: ExternalCache.Mesa Last edited by Johnsson; July 20. 1978 2:22 PM Barbara; July 7. 1978 12:17 PM DIRECTORY AllocDefs: FROM "allocdefs" USING [ AddSwapStrategy. CantSwap. SwappingProcedure. SwapStrategy]. AltoDefs: FROM "altodofs" USING [PageSizeJ. AltoFileDofs: FROM "altofiledefs" USING [fillinDA. FP. vDA]. BFSDefs: FROM "bfsdefs" USING [ActOnPages. GetNextDA]. ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [Control Link]. CoreSwapDefs: FROM "coreswapdefs". DebugData: FROM "debugdata" USING [altoXM. debugPilot. mdsContext. onDO]. DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [LA. LP]. DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs". DebugUti1ityDefs: FROM "debuguti1itydefs". DebugXMDefs: FROM "debugxmdefs" USING [XMRead. XMWrite]. DiskDefs: FROM "diskdefs" USING [ DA. DC. DH. DiskRequost. DS. DSgoodStatus. DSmaskStatus. Unrecoverab1eDiskError]. ImageDefs: FROM "imagedofs". In1ineDefs: FROM "in1inedefs" USING [ BITAND. COpy. DIVMOD. LongDivMod. LongMu1t]. MiscDers: FROM "miscdefs" USING [Zero]. Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zMISC. zRBL. zWBL]. SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [ De1eteFi1eSegment. Fi1eHand1e. Fi1eSegmentAddress. Fi1eSegmentHandle. GetFi1eSegmentDA. InsertFile. LockFi1e. NewFi1eSegment. Read. SetFi1eSegmentDA. SwapIn. Unlock]. SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [A110catePages. FreePages]; ExternalCache: PROGRAM

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