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HP 5950-2949 free download

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Agilent AN 369-1 Optimizing Electronic Component and Material Impedance Measurements Application Note Taking Full Advantage of the Agilent 4284A Precision LCR Meter's Versatility nt lo pme Pr o e ve d u D ct io & n r ch Resea n ce I n co ur a mi s ng As In sp y e ct lit i on Qua Contents 3 Introduction 3 Agilent 4284A Precision LCR Meter 4 The Versatility of the 4284A 6 Evaluating the Level and Bias Dependency of High Dielectric Constant Ceramic Capacitors 7 Automation of Multi-Frequency Evaluations of Film Capacitors 9 Improving the Cored Coil Evaluation Method by Means of Constant-Current Measurement 10 Evaluation of the Saturation Characteristics and Self Resonant Frequencies of Magnetic Heads 11 Conclusion 2 Introduction includes buffer memory as standard, a handler Impedance measurements are a basic means of interface, and a scanner interface. The ergonomic evaluating materials and electronic components design of the front panel and the large easy-to-read that support the technical innovations of electronic backlit Liquid Crystal Display make it possible to instruments and equipment. Impedance character- take in measurement conditions and results at a istics of the components used in circuits or of glance. All measurement conditions can easily be materials vary with frequency, signal level, or the set up using the display cursor, the arrow keys, signal combined DC-bias voltage.

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