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Now downloading free:Advanced Digital Corp ADC Super Quad Technical Manual 1981

Advanced Digital Corp ADC Super Quad Technical Manual 1981 free download

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THE WORLD'S FIRST . ... S-100 Single Board Computer TECHNICAL MANUAL for SUPER QUAD 12700-8 Knott Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92641 TELE: (714) 891-4004/ TELEX: 678401 Tabirin INTRODUcrION ADVANCED DIGITAL CORPORATION is proud to introduce the SUPER QUAD. The SUPER QUAD is a Z80 based single board computer designed to be a bus master in an SIOO bus system. The SUPER QUAD SOC has all the hardware needed to run a single user CP/M system or 2 user MP/M system with up to 4 external floppy disk drives and an external Centronics parallel interface printer all on one board. The board also runs with TURBO-LOS Un. The SUPER QUAD SEC contains: 1) Z-80A cpu (4 MHZ) 2) Floppy disk controller (up to 4 drives 8" or 5!:i" ) 3) 64K of dynamic merrory (16K bank selectible) 4) 2K or 4K of shadow eprom (2716 or 2732) 5) 2 serial ports (Z80A SIO opt. syncronous) 6) 2 12 bit parallel ports, (Z80A PIO) one of which can be used for SIOO vectored interrupts 7) Real t~e interrupt clock (Z80A CTC) 8) SIOO extended address Al6-A23 ONE YEAR WARRANTY. *Note: Items 5 and 6 require external adaptation for RS-232 and Centronics. The adapter boards are 2 x 2" and are called PS NET. They hoop up to the back of the main frame with a DB-25 connector. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 Table of Contents

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