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Now downloading free:xerox A Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Ver 1.0 Nov78

xerox A Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Ver 1.0 Nov78 free download

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File name A_Response_to_the_Star_LSI_Workstation_Goals_Ver_1.0_Nov78.pdf

Xerox Private Data A Response to the Star LSI Workstation Goals Version 1.0 November 1978 Draft of 1:00 P.M. November 3,1978 The Star LSI Workstation Goals document sets guidelines for the implementation of a low cost workstation (terminal, processor, and peripherals) for the OIS Star product. This document responds to those goals by the: 1. Enumeration and brief analysis of several alternative technical approaches. 2. Elaboration and analysis of the Wildflower approach. Although Wildflower, as described in the documents currently available, will not be adequate for the workstation design; we find that a the use of a bipolar microprocessor which is carefully synchronized to the memory and I/O controllers does offer the best approach to the workstation implementation. . Version 1.0 represents current thinking concerning the design of the Star LSI Workstation. The reader is encouraged to send comments to Bob Belleville (Belleville @ ParcMaxc or 8*923*4520); This file is stored on [IRIS] LsiWS 1.0 > and . . Prepared by: Robert L BellevnIe Ronald C. Crane Robert B. Garner J. Pitts Jarvis E. A. Miller RoyC.Ogus Stephen c. Purcell C. Richard Snow Approved by Robert M. Metcalfe SDD System Architecture Approved by David E. Liddle SDD XEROX Systems Dcvelopmcnt Department 3408 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto. Califomia 94304 This document is Xerox Private Data. Xerox Private Data '8' 69. X~rox ~'lf~n !? to . the Star LSI Workstation Goals -. November 1978 Table of Contents 1. Introduction, Conclusions, and Rccomendations 1 2. Mandatory References 3 3. Informational References 3

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