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Fluke 3931295E w free download

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5522A Multi-Product Calibrator Extended specifications General Specifications The following tables list the 5522A specifications. All specifications are valid after allowing a warm-up period of 30 minutes, or twice the time the 5522A has been turned off. (For example, if the 5522A has been turned off for 5 minutes, the warm-up period is 10 minutes.) All specifications apply for the temperature and time period indicated. For temperatures outside of tcal 5 C (tcal is the ambient temperature when the 5522A was calibrated), the temperature coefficient as stated in the General Specifications must be applied. The specifications also assume the Calibrator is zeroed every seven days or whenever the ambient temperature changes more than 5 C. The tightest ohms specifications are maintained with a zero cal every 12 hours within 1 C of use. Also see additional specifications later in this chapter for information on extended specifications for ac voltage and current. Warmup Time ...Twice the time since last warmed up, to a maximum of 30 minutes. Settling Time ...Less than 5 seconds for all functions and ranges except as noted. Standard Interfaces ...IEEE-488 (GPIB), RS-232 Temperature Operating ...0 C to 50 C Calibration (tcal) ...15 C to 35 C Storage ...-20 to +70 C; The DC current ranges 0 to 1.09999 A and 1.1 A to 2.99999 A are sensitive to storage temperatures above 50 C. If the 5522A is stored above 50 C for greater than 30 minutes, these ranges must be re-calibrated. Otherwise, the 90 day and 1 year uncertainties of these ranges double. Temperature Coefficient ...Temperature coefficient for temperatures outside tcal 5 C is 10 % of the stated specification per C. Relative Humidity Operating ...<80 % to 30 C, <70 % to 40 C, <40 % to 50 C Storage ...<95 %, non-condensing. After long periods of storage at high humidity, a drying-out period (with power on) of at least one week may be required. Altitude Operating ...3,05

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