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Now downloading free:DENON sanyo sf-hd850 sf-hd65 sf-hd62 laser assemblies

DENON sanyo sf-hd850 sf-hd65 sf-hd62 laser assemblies free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:sanyo_sf-hd850_sf-hd65_sf-hd62_laser_assemblies.pdf
[preview sanyo sf-hd850 sf-hd65 sf-hd62 laser assemblies]
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Model:sanyo sf-hd850 sf-hd65 sf-hd62 laser assemblies 🔎
Original:sanyo sf-hd850 sf-hd65 sf-hd62 laser assemblies 🔎
Descr: DENON Audio S-102 sanyo_sf-hd850_sf-hd65_sf-hd62_laser_assemblies.pdf
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File name sanyo_sf-hd850_sf-hd65_sf-hd62_laser_assemblies.pdf

(SF-HD850/SF-HD65/SF-HD62) LASER ASSEMBLIES This document shows the differences in the three laser assemblies that are used in the following units: GIG-STAR SF-HD65/SF-HD850 GIG-MASTER SF-HD65/SF-HD850 DVX-880 SF-HD62/SF-HD65/SF-HD850 DVG-888 SF-HD65/SF-HD850 DVG-777 SF-HD65/SF-HD850 Laser Assemblies When somebody wants to order a laser assembly for one of the above units, you must first find out which assembly they need. Below the 3 above-mentioned laser assemblies are pictured. Desolder Points When these laser assemblies are shipped to us, they are shipped with some protective soldering that needs to be desoldered before installing. It is important to let those who are ordering a laser assembly this prior to shipping them out. The desolder points are illustrated below. ****The SF-HD65 and SF-HD850 laser assemblies can be used interchangeably. To complete an order: 1) Check the above list of units and compatible laser assemblies to determine which assemblies are compatible. 2) Have the technician pull out the laser assembly and check which version is required by viewing the pictures below to identify. 3) Make sure that the technician is aware of the desolder point. If they have done desoldered a laser assembly before, instruct them to save the old laser assembly for comparison to see what a desoldered laser assembly looks like. SF-HD62 TOP VIEW From top view, the SF- HD62 is identified by its BLACK plastic housing. SF-HD62 BOTTOM VIEW From the bottom view, the SF-HD62 is identified by its PART NUMBER (small print.) SF-HD62 DESOLDER POINT This is the DESOLDER point for the SF-HD62 SF-HD65 TOP VIEW From top view, the SF-HD65 is identified by its GRAY plastic housing. SF-HD65 BOTTOM VIEW From the bottom view, the SF-HD65 is identified by its PART NUMBER (small print.) SF-HD65 DESOLDER POINT This is the DESOLDER point for the SF-HD65. SF-HD850 TOP VIEW The SF- HD65 and SF-HD850 are identical from the TOP VIEW. SF-HD850 BOTTOM VIEW From the bottom view, the SF- HD850 is identified by its PART NUMBER (small print.) SF-HD65 DESOLDER POINT

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