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Now downloading free:BOSE bose model cd2000 fe2000 acoustic wave music system ii

BOSE bose model cd2000 fe2000 acoustic wave music system ii free download

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SERVICE BULLETI Product CD2000 / AWMSTM SERIES II # I 183918 Subject Intermittent CD operation Effective Date SIN Symptom: CD intermittent, display not working. Reason: Fractured solder joints on CN306 and CN307. Solution: Resolder connectors CN306 and CN307. Some units might have fractured solder joints on CN306 and CN307 causing intermit- tent CD operation. This might become apparent when a service center replaces the top cover and finds the unit no longer works. This is because the top cover puts pressure on these connectors. To correct this problem simply resolder the two connectors. See layout below for the locations of CN306 and CN307. Bose Corporation The Mountain Framingham, MA 01701-9168 For Technical Assistance Call 1- 800-367-4008 148840

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