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Now downloading free:Tektronix 070-3939-00 8540 System Users Manual OS40 Ver 1 Oct83

Tektronix 070-3939-00 8540 System Users Manual OS40 Ver 1 Oct83 free download

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8540 INTEGRATION UNIT SYSTEM USERS MANUAL OS/40 VERSION 1 Te.ktron~COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE PLEASE CHECK FOR CHANGE INFORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL. 8540 INTEGRATION UNIT SYSTEM USERS MANUAL OS/40 VERSION 1 Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number _ _ _ _ _ __ 070-3939-00 First Printing NOV 1981 Product Group 61 Revised OCT 1983 LIMITED RIGHTS LEGEND Software License No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Contractor: Tektronix, Inc. Explanation of Limited Rights Data Identification Method Used: Entire document subject to iimited rights. Those portions of this technical data indicated as limited rights data shall not, without the written permission of the above Tektronix, be either (a) used, released or disclosed in whole or in part outside the Customer, (b) used in whole or in part by the Customer for manufacture or, in the case of computer software documentation, for preparing the same or similar computer software, or (c) used by a party other than the Customer, except for: (i) emergency repair or overhaul work only, by or for the Customer, where the item or process concerned is not otherwise reasonably available to enable timely performance of the work, provided that the release or disclosure hereof outside the Customer shall be made subject to a prohibition against further use, release or disclosure; or (ii) release to a foreign government, as the interest of the United States may require, only for information or evaluation within such government or for emergency repair or overhaul work by or for such government under the conditions of (i) above. This legend; together with the indications ofthe portions of this data which are subject to such limitations shall be included on any reproduction hereof which includes any part of the portions subject to such limitations. RESTRICTED RIGHTS IN SOFTWARE The software described in this document is licensed software and subject to restricted rights. The software may be used with the computer for which or with which it was acquired. The software may be used with a backup computer ifthe computer for which or with which it was acquired is inoperative. The software may be copied for archive or backup purposes. The software may be modified or combined with other software, subject to the provision that those portions of the derivative software incorporating restricted rights software are subject to the same restricted rights. Copyright

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