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Now downloading free:xerox 610E00230 Mesa Course Sep88

xerox 610E00230 Mesa Course Sep88 free download

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XEROX Xerox Development Environment Mesa Course September 1988 610E00230 Xerox Corporation Document ,'stems Business Unit XDE Techlllcal Services 475 Oakritead Parkway Sunnyvale, California 940~. Introduction The Mesa Course is a self-paced programming tutorial intended to give you hands-on experience with applications and systems programming in the Xerox Development Environment. The course introduces important concepts, illustrates those concepts with extensive examples, and provides exercises to ensure your familiarity with those concepts. The Mesa Course is intended for use at any XDE customer site. The twenty one chapters of the Mesa Course are grouped into two major sections: the Mesa Language and the "Tajo" development environment. The experienced professional need only skim the Mesa Language chapters and can begin with serious study of the development environment, referring to language issues in the first section as required. The less experienced programmer should work through the material sequentially. The initial section of the course is designed to present Mesa programming to someone who is familiar with other structured languages, particularly Pascal, and has completed the Introduction to XDE on-line tutorials. The Mesa Language section introduces you to Mesa programming concepts and essential components of the Xerox Development Environment. You will learn how to develop and run programs in our environment, including how to:

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