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Samsung ASC20111118001 free download

Microwave ovens service manual and repair instructions

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File name:ASC20111118001 .pdf
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Size:179 kB
Model:ASC20111118001 🔎
Original:ASC20111118001 🔎
Descr: Samsung Microwave SMH1816S_XAA Service Bulletins ASC20111118001 .pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Microwave Ovens
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SERVICE Bulletin PRODUCT: OTR Microwave Bulletin date: 11/16/2011 Bulletin Number: ASC20111118001 ELECTRONICS Models: SMH1611B/XAA, SMH1611W/XAA, SMH1611P/XAA, SMH1611S/XAA, SMH1713B/XAA, SMH1713W/XAA, SMH1713S/XAA, SMH1816B/XAA, SMH1816W/XAA, SMH1816S/XAA, SMH7174BC/XAA, SMH7174WC/XAA, SMH7174BE/XAA, SMH7174WE/XAA, SMH7185BG/XAA, SMH7185WG/XAA, SMH7185STG/XAA. SMH7187STG/XAA, SMH8165B/XAA,SMH8165W/XAA, SMH8165ST/XAA, SMH8165STE/XAA, SMH9151B/XAA, SMH9151W/XAA, SMH9151S/XAA, SMH9151ST/XAA, SMH9151BE/XAA, SMH9151WE/XAA, SMH9151STE/XAA, SMH9187B/XAA, SMH9187W/XAA, SMH9187ST/XAA, SUBJECT: SMK9175ST/XAA OTR Repair for SE (5E) Error Code. Background: When an "SE" error code is displayed on the OTR, the previous solution was to replace the SWITCH MEMBRANE or the ASSY CONTROL BOX. Due to various quality issues that occurred when the repair was performed using these parts, we will no longer provide the SWITCH MEMBRANE to complete this repair. Solution: You cannot use the SWITCH MEMBRANE and the ASSEMBLY CONTROL BOX to repair microwaves with SE (5E) errors. These parts are no longer available as replacement parts. To repair a microwave with an "SE" error on the front panel, replace the ASSEMBLY CONTROL PANEL instead. The ASSEMBLY CONTROL PANEL includes:

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