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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91064 2K Memory Module Aug76

HP 13255-91064 2K Memory Module Aug76 free download

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Model:13255-91064 2K Memory Module Aug76 🔎
Original:13255-91064 2K Memory Module Aug76 🔎
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File name 13255-91064_2K_Memory_Module_Aug76.pdf

-_._-------------------- HP 13255 +21', MEMnRY MODULE Manual Part No. 13255-91064 PRINT~D AUG-Ol-76 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION - - ----_._------------------------1 HEWLETT 1I PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 132515 13255-91064/02 +2K Memorv MOdule ~ev AUG-01-76 t.o INTROnUCTTUN. The +2K Memorv Morlule allows expansion of 264XX Data Terminal memory capacity. The read/write memorY 1s accessihle throuqh th~ t~rmlnal bus and is orQanlzed in 2,048 by a-bit bytes. This memOrY module uses dynamic MOS RAM chips organized 4K by 1-bit in a 22-pin, dual-in-line packaqe. 2.0 OPERATI~G PAHAMFTFRS. A summary of operatinq parameters for the t2K ~emory Module Is contalned in tables 1.0 thrnunh 5.0. Ta~le 1.0 Physicol Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------- --~-------------------------------~-------------~-----~------------------------ ~------------ Part Size (L x W x 0) Weight Mumber ~omenclature I +/-0.100 InChes I (Pounds) ============= ============================== =======================1========= 02640-60064 t?K M~morv peA 1 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.5 , I 0.44 I I I I -----------------------------------~-~------ --~-------------~---~------------ -----------------------------~------~-----~----------~----~------------------- ~111mber of Backplane Slots Required: --------------------------~--------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------~~------------------------- -------------------------- HP 13255 +2r:, MEMflRY MonUT.E

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