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Now downloading free:Krohn-Hite krohn hite 4200

Krohn-Hite krohn hite 4200 free download

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Model:krohn hite 4200 🔎
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I ,-_-'l )-. ()SCILLATOR xkoHN-HlrE c<:RPoRATlc>N 1 OH z t o 1 OM H z TEST C)5CILLAT()R Model 42OO t Frequcncytangct lOHzto lOMI{z r Powor ovlpvl, Vz watt o l{axlmvm output: l0 volts rms F-'t 1t'o f..T[l -.- t Frtqvency rcfponrf, s Hormonlc dlstortlont O.lVo 0.025 db rrcl g' ---* l-Tl t Amplitvdc stabllltyr 4.027o xultrtrtli ? t Frcquancy accarccy2 2Vo t lnlsrnsl lmpcdoacc: 50 ohms c Avxlllory outpul e Exlcrnal synchronixallon The Model 4200 Oscillatoris a low pricedsolid statelabora- T'he 50 ohm impedanceminimizes gjgnallossesdue to re' tory or productionsignalsourcewith performanceavailable sistiveand capacitiveloading nnd the half watt of power is onty in units sellingat twice the price' It providesa sinewave essential driving loadswithout overloading. for over the rangefrom | 0 Hz to l0 MHZ with ,t w^tl of power Unavoidablecapacitiveloading limits the usefulness any of at lessthan 0. I 7o distortion"An infinite resolutiondial and oscillatorwithout low internal impedanceand high power push-buttonmultiplier provides rapid and continuous fre- outputcapabilities. quencytuning. A fixed I volt output independent the main output can be of The half watt of power over the enlire rangeis outstanding rused synchronizing scopeor as an auxiliaryotltput. For for a purposetestoscillator,and this coupledwith an for a general increasedfrequency accuracy, a synchronizing input is excellentfrequencyresponse 0.025db, makesthe Model of available to lock the Model 4200 to a preciseexternalfre- 4200 ideal for meter calibration, respons

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