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Now downloading free:xerox Alto Software Packages Oct77

xerox Alto Software Packages Oct77 free download

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For Xerox Internal Use Only -- October 16, 1977 ALTO SOFTWARE PACKAGES Conlpiled on: October 16, 1977 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 For Xerox. Internal Use Only -- October 16, 1977 2 This list is a directory of major Alto software packages. The files for these programs are available on the directory. The doculnentation for these packages is available on . This document is filed as P ACKAGES.EARS. Some packages have closely-corresonding subsystems (e.g., TFS Trident disk software and 'l'FU utility); in this case, the bulk of the aocumcntation is located with in the Alto Subsystems Manual, and a cross-reference is included in this document. The items listed below may be flagged by a single character to indicate where the documentation may be found: * documentation for these items is contained within this manual; ** these items are described further in a separate docunlent; II see the Alto Operating System manual for documentation. IIALLOC: A boundary-tag storage allocator. Documentation is in the Alto Operating Systenl 1'Ianual. (Ed McCreight) *ASIM: A procedure which simulates an Alto microprocessor equipped with a RAM. (Peter Deutsch) *BCPLRUNTIME: A replacement for the standard Bcpl runtime (in the OS), in whihcch nearly all of the operations have been microprogrammed. rrypical Bcpl programs run 25 to 30 percent faster. (Ed Taft) IIBFS: The "basic file system" subroutines. These do page-oriented 1/0 to disk files organized according to standard Alto conventions. Documentation is in the Alto Operating System Manual. (Butler Lampson) *BYTEBLT: transfers an arbitrary block of 8-bit bytes from one place in memory to another. (Ed Taft) *CMDSCAN: an interactive command scanner and collection of command interpretation procedures. (Ed Taft) *CONTEx'r: provides facilities for managing multiple ex.ecution contexts for Dcpl procedures. (Ed Taft) , DCBPRESS: This file provides one subroutine for nlaking a one-page Press file from an Alto screen bit-map. The calling sequence is: DCBPress("filename", pDCB, [width, height, left, top]), which writes a file of the given name using pDCB as a pointer to a display control block.. The last four parameters allow you to select a portion of the rectangle described by the DCB for printing. Width is the width (in bits) of the window you wish to see; height is the height in scan-lines; left is the offset from the left edge of the bit-map; 'top is the offset from the top of the bit-map. (

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